Energetic Exercises
Sacred Geometric Exercises for lifting Cosmic Consciousness
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be sharing some channelled energy exercises. These are designed to help you to heal yourself (where the true healing comes from), to clear your field and raise your energy field. You can apply some of these sacred geometric constructs I will be talking about to any issue you field called to.
The first energy exercises uses something I saw in meditation as a vehicle for healing, which is a Flower Of Life Sphere. Basically, a 3 dimensional (or multi-dimensional….?) version of that sacred energy pattern. You can skip the initial personal clearing if you want to, but it will potentiate any of the exercises I will be sharing with you. I would love to hear your feedback upon doing the clearing, so please leave me a comment below! Happy balancing!
Initial personal clearing and setting the stage:
1 – Smudge your home or office or do another form of intentional clearing of your surroundings.
2 – You may want to apply an essential oil, such as myrrh, sacred frankincense or rose or another high vibrational oil.
3 – Call down your silver cord from the universe. This is your connection to the etheric world. Ask to receive your universal silver cord and feel it place itself around the area of your crown chakra. Breathe in and out deeply and relax. You may feel a perceptible life in energy.
4 – Close your eyes and visualize your 2nd chakra in your body. At the back location of the 2nd chakra on your body, imagine an energetic cord begin to flow out from your body. Does this cord have any color? Give it a color. What size is it? Give it a diameter size, small or large. Now see it begin to flow out from your body and go towards the floor. It goes through the floor, into the earth, through all the incredible layers of the earth and eventually connects with a sacred construct called the earth core crystal.
5 – Ask for the presence of your guides and Guardian Angels.
6 – Invoke and welcome the presence of Metatron. Metatron is one of the very powerful angels around us here to assist us in our evolving consciousness.
7 – For physical healing, welcome the presence of Raphael.
Energetic Exercise 1
1 – Flower of Life Sphere – the flower of life sphere is for regenerating your life force and healing from physical ailments, particularly chronic ones. First see the flower of life pattern, as shown here:
Then, see it as a sphere, like this:
Next, imagine it spinning to the right and above and to the right of your energy field. Feel the energy of the sphere. Now, ask the sphere to move if you would like it to move anywhere within your field and see it move. Now, imagine a color for your sphere. Here are some common high vibrational colors: emerald, magenta, violet, indigo.
Keep the sphere spinning as you begin to meditate on what you want to create or clear.
If this is a physical illness or physical symptoms, begin to take the sphere into the area of concern. If it is an overall illness, you can begin to run the sphere into several different places, like this.
Endocrine System Tune-Up with Flower of Life Sphere
Run the sphere by imagine it can pass into the body and it will spin in the particular organ or gland for the amount of time necessary. It will stop spinning when the cycle is complete.
Run the sphere in the pineal gland – the recommended color to hold in the sphere is white.
Run the sphere in the thyroid – the recommended color to hold in the sphere is ruby red.
Run the sphere in the adrenal (see the sphere split in two and then merge back together at the end) – the recommended color to hold in the sphere is sapphire blue.
Run the sphere in the digestive/abdominal area – the recommended color to hold in the sphere is golden yellow.
Run the sphere in the pancreatic area and then run it in the gallbladder area – the recommended color to hold is emerald green.
Run the sphere over the DNA. A representation of the DNA is here for you to hold in your mind’s eye. The sphere is clearing the DNA mutations or errors related to the autoimmune condition.
Once the sphere has been run through all the organs and glands, ask if there is any other place that the sphere needs to go.
Has this process been helpful or intriguing? I am presenting a free webinar doing a live guided meditation with more details and explanation of the process on Friday, January 20th at 10am Pacific. If you would like to attend, please register here: Sacred Geometric Clearing with Dr. Ariel on Friday, January 20th
You may feel that the sphere wants to run in a spiral motion, such as this:
You can ask the sphere to clear an underlying infection, an inflamed gut, an emotional issue or anything else.
When you are complete see the sphere float to the upper part of your energy field, right above your body. Ask if it is complete. If so, allow the sphere to begin to enlarge and take up your entire body. People often experience a warm, comforting feeling like the warmth of the sun. You may want to see the sphere as an orange sphere. Now allow the sphere to get as big as the room and then as big as the earth and then allow it to dissolve. You may feel the urge to do a big exhalation like a yogi bellow’s breath exhalation.
Has this process been helpful or intriguing? I am presenting a free webinar doing a live guided meditation with more details and explanation of the process on Friday, January 20th at 10am Pacific. If you would like to attend, please register here: Sacred Geometric Clearing with Dr. Ariel on Friday, January 20th
Because you are moving energy quite a bit, try lying in Savasana (corpse position) for 3-5 minutes after this energy meditation.
Drink at least 8 ounces of fresh spring or other purified water within 30 minutes. After this, spend at least 5 minutes outdoors! Enjoy and observe the balance and vitality created from this process.
Has this process been helpful or intriguing? I am presenting a free webinar doing a live guided meditation with more details and explanation of the process on Friday, January 20th at 10am Pacific. If you would like to attend, please register here: Sacred Geometric Clearing with Dr. Ariel on Friday, January 20th